
Windows 10 services to disable 2017
Windows 10 services to disable 2017

windows 10 services to disable 2017
  1. Windows 10 services to disable 2017 update#
  2. Windows 10 services to disable 2017 upgrade#
  3. Windows 10 services to disable 2017 windows 10#

That it is dangerous and could really screw up your registry (I'm talking about screwing around with registry file permissions). You then need to change the permissions on the appropriate registry keys, and finally disable them.

windows 10 services to disable 2017

The only success people have had is by download a Microsoft Sysinternals program called PSExec which will allow you to run in a TrustedInstaller security context. They will download even if you are on a metered connection. Even the old trick of setting your network connection to “metered” doesn’t work anymore - as this used to shut down update. All relevant tasks and registry keys are locked. And no, you cannot disable the task or delete it in Task Scheduler or the registry.

Windows 10 services to disable 2017 update#

Microsoft has a dedicated service called the “Windows Medic ”that is built to specifically check and re-enable update orchestrator if it’s disabled anywhere. Why? Because Microsoft added several new Tasks to Task Scheduler that will start all of the update services regardless of how you try to disable them.

Windows 10 services to disable 2017 windows 10#

You can configure group policy editor, for both Pro and Home (although home is disabled by default - download “Policy Plus” to gain access to group policies in Windows 10 Home). You can disable the service and it's attempted restarts all you want. If you have Windows 10 version 1709 or above (I believe), you cannot stop automatic updates. Hello, I realize this article is a bit outdated, however I see you are still getting comments on it so I figured I'd provide an update for everyone. Don’t know what’s after 10, but we can hope. Sorry that my tips above do not stop this intrusion permanently. Fortunately, my employees have been instructed to end the task in Task Manager which gives me time to do the other terminations stated above. All of them are being hit every day now, even my PRO versions.

windows 10 services to disable 2017

I have 15 computers at my business all running 10 Creators and some PRO’s. Even with doing those steps, the tasks WILL re-enable and the services WILL restart daily, whether or not the computers have been shut down for the day or just put to sleep. I am still able to defeat the forced downloads, but now have to spend time two or three times a day to prevent them from downloading by using the tips stated above and ending / disabling certain tasks in Task Scheduler and Services daily.

Windows 10 services to disable 2017 upgrade#

I am still able to maintain version 1703 as I do not want to upgrade to 1709 (will wait for later versions). After over a year with no issues with forced downloads from MS, some of my computers are now being hit with them starting about a week ago.

Windows 10 services to disable 2017